John, Athan and I were able to spend time with my dad, sister, her new baby, brother-in-law and lots of aunts, uncles & cousins! Together we enjoyed warm days, cool ocean water, and the beach. The icing on the cake was the last day of our trip. I was able to enjoy some nice waves (3-6 ft) and surfed all afternoon with my aunts and cousins. Some of my best family memories are surfing together and enjoying the ocean.
Before our visit, my aunt had sent me this picture of my cousins, sister and I from way back when.
Can you tell who I am?
Athan is wearing the same life jacket that I used to wear when I was a kid. He's heading out to take a ride in an ocean kayak with daddy!
Athan hanging out with his sweet baby cousin.
I'm teaching Athan a few basic surfing tips (paddling, catching waves, and getting comfortable in the water) on a very small wave day. I learned how to surf at a young age and want to give my son the same opportunity to enjoy this sport.
Athan hanging out with my cousin (who will be a college freshman this year!)
Cute baby harbor seal that came to shore to rest.
Athan and daddy took a trip to Seaweed Island and Beetle rock. He brought back some starfish, snails and a hermit crab. (we returned them back to the ocean after a few hours).
Athan asked for a close up.
Thank you for sharing these memories with me ♥
Have you gone on any trips this summer? I'd love to hear about them or any other fun activities you've been up to.