Thursday, May 2, 2013

Book Review: Tim Gunn's Fashion Bible

I recently finished Tim Gunn's Fashion Bible. It was quite different than I thought it would be. Instead of a "how to dress for your body type" book, it was a literal history of western fashion (America and some of western Europe).  It was a quick read and I learned a lot! Quick fact: capri pants are literally named after the Island of Capri.

I really like how the author divided up the topic by chapters.  Each chapter was about one article of clothing. Even gloves had their own few pages!

I especially liked the fashion "dont's" that Tim Gunn talked about:
Never wear cargo capri pants. He states that are not flattering on anyone.  I don't know if this is true but I tried on my only pair and was unimpressed, so they are going to the thrift store!

Another tip (For men)- own a black suit. Purchase it before you need it, that way you won't be running around trying to find one when something comes up where you need it (funeral). If you buy one now, you can find a nice fit or get it tailored.

The only really bad part about getting this book from the library is that my son, Athan, found a pen and did a few small scribbles in the inside page. I was not happy. I'm waiting to hear back from the library as to whether or not I have to purchase the book.

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